It would not have taken much and the last German Longhair cats, whose ancestors descended from breeding animals in Professor Schwangart's time, would have remained without offspring. Mrs Aschemeier had taken the risk and handed over her last breeding cats to breeders who were enthusiastic about the idea of a Deutsch Langhaar conservation breeding programme. Some of Mrs. Aschemeier's cats and their direct offspring are to be presented here: |
 | Krümel von der Wassermühle was a strong black tabby mc. German Longhair male. He adorned in large format an article by Dr. Brigitte D. Leonhardt about the German Longhair cat and the breeding program of Mrs. Aschemeier, which was published in October 2000 in the magazine "Katzen extra". He died at the ripe old age of 19. | Ilex von der Wassermühle is - like many of the cats of the Aschemeier family - a black tabby mackerel. The broad but flat nose bridge fits harmoniously into the strong male head. |  |  | The black Doretta von der Wassermühle was one of the cats of which we hoped that she would give the German Longhair breeders the hoped-for valuable offspring. Unfortunately, this did not happen for reasons of age. | The tabby German Longhair cat Schätzchen von der Wassermühle unfortunately also remained without offspring. It would have been too nice if her offspring would have enriched the Deutsch Langhaar preservation breeding. Besides her typey appearance, she would have brought the Point and the Chocolate gene into the breed.  Ein vorzügliches DLH-Profil
| Bömmel is a black tabby cat from the cattery of Renate Aschemeier and shows the typical appearance of a German Longhair. The head is rounded, the bridge of the nose is equally broad from the base to the end. The slightly oval eyes are large and expressive. She also carries Point and Chocolate. | With Bömmel's brother Bär von der Wassermühle (picture on the right and below) the hopes of the Deutsch Langhaar breeders came true in 2011. He sired his very successful first litter with "Cosma Shiva von Germangora" with four kittens, three of which live with different breeders and laid the foundation for conservation breeding. Bär was a friendly and very cuddly male with silky soft fur, who despite his mature age - he was born in May 2004 - showed no marking behaviour. He lived with Mrs. Aschemeier, who has died in the meantime, and comes to visit the cattery "von Germanangora" from time to time. There he has sired five litters with different cats. Like Schätzchen he carries the Point gene, so that in the future there will be German Longhair cats in Point again.
| Bär's children from the conservation breeding "von Germangora" developed into very typey cats and show many characteristics of the German Linghair cats from Mrs. Aschemeier's breeding.
In the first half of the 20th century there were many white cats among the Deutsch Langhaarkatzen. This traditional colour should be preserved. Of course, only cats that have been audiometrically examined enter the cattery. | 
Nanook von Germangora Cattery "von Germangora" |  Nidi von Germangora Cattery "von Sinthari" | 
Nell von Germangora |

Nalle von Germangora (7 months old) | In the following years 4 more litters of Bär followed with different cats, so that the heritage of the Deutsch Langhaarkatzen of Mrs. Aschemeier is firmly anchored in the conservation catteries of today's breeders. Bär's second litter was born to Nikita von Germangora on 11.07.2013. Of the five kittens, Vian went into breeding. |  Vian von Germangora Cattery "von Germangora"
|  Vanadi von Germangora
|  Velvet von Germangora
|  Vali von Germangora (rechts) mit seiner Mutter Nikita
|  Votan von Germangora
| On 15.06.2015 the third litter of Bär was born in the cattery "von Germangora" and this time Xarlett von Germangora was the mother. From this litter Basira and Belino enriched the conservation breeding. |  Belino von Germangora Cattery "von Sinthari" |  Bastet von Germangora
|  Basira von Germangora Cattery "von Germangora"
|  Bastet und Bero (rechts) von Germangora
| Mother of the fourth litter was the beautiful Hoshi of Germangora and the litter was born on 28.04.2018. |  Miika von Germangora
|  Meander von Germangora
|  Merik von Germangora
| The fifth litter from Bär, who was 14 years old at the time, was very special for two reasons. The five kittens were not born at the Germangoras, but at the cattery "vom Heidegeist" on 26.07.2018 and the mother was Lavita vom Heidegeist. Furthermore, it was the last litter of Bär, because he unfortunately had to be put to death later in early 2019 due to an inoperable nasal tumour. |  Niko vom Heidegeist Cattery "von Germangora"
|  Neelix vom Heidegeist
 Nane vom Heidegeist
|  Nuraya vom Heidegeist
|  Nemesis vom Heidegeist |
Autor: IG DLH

Hits: 17166 Last updated: 22.12.2020